Press Information
Press release 2021 - 04

ADAC Eifel Rally Festival helps - participants and fans donate 40,000 euros
The response was impressive: the appeal for donations by the organisers of the ADAC Eifel Rally Festival to help those affected by the flood disaster in the Eifel region raised 40,000 euros in no time. "Already on the day after the tsunami, we received enquiries from all over Europe, the States and even Australia, asking if everything was OK with us", organisation manager Otmar Anschütz (Daun) describes the sympathy of the motorsport enthusiasts.
The result of the appeal for donations proves how much the participants and fans identify and show their solidarity with the event in the Volcanic Eifel region. Besides Germany, support came from all over Europe, and money was even transferred from Hong Kong and Canada. "In order to ensure that the donation specifically benefits those affected in the Vulkaneifel, we handed over the amount to the 'Bürgerstiftung Landkreis Vulkaneifel' in Daun," explains Anschütz.
Julia Gieseking, the district administrator of the Vulkaneifel district, accepted the cheque for 40,000 euros on behalf of the community foundation: „It is over-whelming, the willingness to donate and the solidarity of the people are still enormous. It's great that our population, associations and volunteers are standing together like this. We have already been able to disburse the first funds to those affected by the flood disaster quickly and unbureaucratically. And we are continuing to do so.“
The photo shows from left Otmar Anschütz (chairman MSC Daun), Patrick Schauster (Bürgerstiftung), Julia Gieseking (district administrator), Jürgen Lenarz (2nd chairman MSC Daun) und Heinz-Peter Hoffmann (office manager).
The donation account remains open. All donations still received will also be passed on to the community foundation:
Motorsport Club Daun e.V.
IBAN: DE59 5865 1240 0000 1551 76
BIC: MALADE51DAU (Kreissparkasse Vulkaneifel)
Purpose: Donation flood relief Vulkaneifel
Further current information can be found on:
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Jürgen Hahn
Weiherstraße 9
65558 Langenscheid