Photographic Competition – The winners are selected
Great action shots, wonderful atmospheric pictures as well as eccentric "Photo Art" images, during the photographic competition held in conjunction with the 2015 Eifel Rallye Festival the spectators of the event once again showed their remarkable skills behind the camera. The editors of the "Oldtimer Markt" magazine, who are partners of the competition for the very first time, were surprised by the quality of the images taken during the event. For the makers of Europe's biggest classic car magazine, it wasn't an easy choice but eventually they decided to award the top prize to Thomas Kiess from Remseck, Germany. He will be invited to undertake a fully paid photo shoot for the magazine in the upcoming weeks.
These are the winners::
1st prize: Thomas Kiess (Remseck), Invitation to undertake a fully paid photo shoot for the “Oldtimer Markt”
2nd prize: Michael Liegmann (Beverungen), a copy of Werner Eisele’s amazing pictorial “Motor Racing Photography”
3rd prize: Torsten Meyer (Ludwigsburg), a one-year subscription of the “Oldtimer Markt” magazine
Special prize „most inventive image“: Dirk Kerps (Nerdlen), DVD Eifel Rallye Festival 2015
1st spezial prize „Photo Art“: Heinrich Behler (Beverungen), DVD Eifel Rallye Festival 2015
All prize winner will also receive a fan package for the 2016 Eifel Rallye Festival
The organising team of the Eifel Rallye Festival would like to thank all participants in this photographic competition and we send our congratulations to the winners. We look forward to welcoming you back next year and wish you a lot of fun with the prizes.