Photographic Competition 2017 – These are the winners
"A good picture does not necessarily need to be spectacular. Clemens Beha from Weingarten, Germany, was able to put the atmosphere and approachable character of the Eifel Rallye Festival into one picture. It shows speed, enthusiasm and the proximity to the people", that is what the jury said about the winning picture of this year’s photographic competition. The editors of the Oldtimer Markt magazine chose an image showing a Toyota Corolla WRC rushing through a village typical for the Eifel. You can see the kids watching the action for the roof of a wooden house and a tractor with firewood standing right next to it.
The editors of Europe’s biggest magazine for classic cars and motorbikes had the task of selecting five winning pictures out of nearly 500 submissions and chose images which were sometimes action-packed (2nd Prize & Photo Art), sometimes atmospheric (1st and 3rd Prize) and sometimes simply funny (Most inventive image) – but all of them were outstanding. These are the winners:
1st Prize
Clemens Beha, Weingarten (D)
Co-drive with Matthias Kahle in a Škoda 130 RS on one of the stages of the 2018 Eifel Rallye Festival
2nd Prize
Torsten Meyer, Ludwigsburg (D)
McKlein book „Ford Escort RS1600 – Safari Rally 1972" & 1:18 scale model car Ford Escort (signed by Hannu Mikkola)
3rd Prize
José Manuel Fernandez Pietro, Oviedo (E)
DVD „Group B – Riding Balls of Fire" by Helmut Deimel & 1:43-scale model car Ford Sierra (signed by Stig Blomqvist)
Special prize "most inventive image"
Kevin Hartbrod, Lahnau (D)
McKlein book „Walter Röhrl – Querlenker"
Special prize "photo art"
Jean-Christophe Dechêne, Lüttich (B)
McKlein book „Walter Röhrl – Querlenker"
All prize winner will also receive a fan package for the 2018 Eifel Rallye Festival. The winning images have already been published in the current edition of the “Oldtimer Markt” magazine (Nr. 09-2017, available from August 31st). The organising team of the Eifel Rallye Festival would like to thank all participants in this photographic competition and we send our congratulations to the winners. We look forward to welcoming you back next year and wish you a lot of fun with the prizes.