Photographic Competition 2016 - The pictures
The photographic competition held in conjunction with the Eifel Rallye Festival was never more international than this year. The editors of the "Oldtimer Markt" magazine, Europe's biggest classic car magazine, had to fight their way through 572 pictures taken by photographers from eleven different countries. And also the winners are spread all over Europe coming from Spain, France, Luxemburg and Germany. The top prize in the competition goes to Jose Manuel Fernandez Prieto from Oviedo in the north of Spain who will take the co-drivers' seat of Matthias Kahle's Škoda 130 RS for one stage of the next Eifel Rallye Festival.
The winning images will also be published in the edition of the "Oldtimer Markt" magazine (Nr. 10-2016).
In our photo gallery you can find the "Best Of" of the competition 2016.
These are the winners
1st Prize
Jose Manuel Fernandez Prieto (Oviedo, E)
Co-drive with Matthias Kahle in a Škoda 130 RS on one of the stages of the 2017 Eifel Rallye Festival
2nd Prize
Antoine Dellenbach (Clichy, F)
McKlein calendar “Rally History 2017” & “Group B – Riding Balls of Fire” DVD by Helmut Deimel
3rd Prize
Roger Serrano Conesa (La Garriga, E)
McKlein calendar “Rally History 2017” & “Group B – Riding Balls of Fire” DVD by Helmut Deimel
Special prize “most inventive image”
Jeannot Boesen (Luxemburg)
McKlein calendar “Rally History 2017” & “Group B – Riding Balls of Fire” DVD by Helmut Deimel
Special prize “photo art”
Walter Jendl (Daun, D)
McKlein calendar “Rally History 2017” & “Group B – Riding Balls of Fire” DVD by Helmut Deimel
All prize winner will also receive a fan package for the 2017 Eifel Rallye Festival.
The organising team of the Eifel Rallye Festival would like to thank all participants in this photographic competition and we send our congratulations to the winners. We look forward to welcoming you back next year and wish you a lot of fun with the prizes.