Eifel Rallye Festival 2019 - Accident Shakedown
The shakedown of this year's Eifel Rallye Festival was over before it had really started. There were some injured in an accident, the worst ones were Titia and Mets Visser from the Netherlands. Many participants, helpers, functionaries and fans asked again and again about their state of health. With the agreement of both spouses, we are giving an update today:
Recovery is making slow progress. Mets will probably need another two months of arm and shoulder physiotherapy before it works again, as he puts it.
Titia is not allowed to strain either her pelvis or her legs until the end of September. On 1 October, the x-rays will hopefully show a positive result. Afterwards her rehabilitation will begin.
Both had hoped that it would go a little faster, but the injuries are more severe than they had initially thought. As Mets says: "Even if it's not always easy, we can hold on". And further: "We greet all fans of the Eifel Rallye Festival and all those who have thought of us and hope for 100 % recovery".
The team of the Eifel Rallye Festival wishes Titia and Mets a positive healing process and a complete recovery.